A Godly Woman


As was David regarding Bathsheba, men of our generation are largely attracted to external beauty rather than good internal qualities. Beauty portrayed today is largely based on attributes of physical beauty that are enhanced and bared to gain the attention of men. The Bible portrays a completely different criteria for a woman of true beauty.

For a picture of a truly beautiful woman/wife, we turn to Proverbs 31. First, her value is not based on physical attributes; rather, emphasis is placed upon her character. She is said to be of “indescribable value” (vs. 10). Today, millions of dollars are spent on improving physical qualities, a practice that clearly sees physical beauty as that which is of value. For the child of God, true value is seen much more in what a person is or does than what they look like.

Secondly, the godly woman is portrayed by a number of internal qualities. She is a woman who is hard-working (vs. 13-19). Her hard work is characterized by her ability to work with her hands, rise early to feed her family, and make wise decisions in her thrift. She generously shares with others (vs. 20), manifesting her refusal to be overly worried about herself. She is willing to go above and beyond for her family (vs. 21-24). She sees a glass as half-full rather than half-empty (vs. 25). She is kind in her dealings with others (vs. 26). She is one whose family recognizes and expresses her possession of these traits to others (vs. 28-29). Finally, she is portrayed as one who “fears” (reverences) God (vs. 30).

As a man considers a woman to marry today, what criteria does he use and what difference will it make? A sad reality today is that almost half of the marriages in the U.S. end in divorce. Why is that rate so high? Might men be focusing on something other than true internal beauty? As we consider such choices the qualities provided in the book of Proverbs paints a picture of a woman who is valuable, not because of how she looks or what she wears, but because of what kind of person she is and how those qualities will aid in making a godly husband better, help raise godly children, and form a “team” that will help all members of the family spend eternity with God.

May we look for such a woman. May we train our daughters to be that kind of women. May we train our sons to seek for such a woman. May we realize that, in such matters, God’s way is always the best way.

New Blog


It has been some time since I have written a regular weekly blog and have decided it is time to get started again. The articles written will cover a variety of subjects that I hope will generate a desire for further study on your part.

I will begin next week by looking at lessons from the Minor Prophets. These will focus on the men who penned those books, the historical background of each, and some of the pertinent lessons found in those books. The articles will differ in approach, with some being heavy in background and others being application heavy.

If you have something you would like me to address please free to email me at pmcintosh1957@gmail.com. Thank you in advance for your interest in the study of God’s Word.

A Few Random Thoughts


I am in no way an expert, but want to make a few observances on things I have seen regarding blogs and other posts on social media sites. These are not comprehensive and situations differ based on the nature of an article, blog or comment. There are exceptions to every rule. But, these may help avoid some of the confusion and other difficulties I have seen recently.

Avoid “catchy” titles and/or opening remarks. These may get someone’s attention, but they can also mislead. We teach our guys at the BTSOP regularly that “words have meaning.” We must realize that a “catchy” word may cause someone to look, but they can also mislead and cause someone to stop reading because of a perceived “red flag.”

Define your terms early. If you don’t define your terms, you are inviting the reader to define them with his own definition. That may lead to your point being misunderstood and your being labeled in some fashion or other.

If error is taught, correct respectfully. I believe most of the writers I have read to be honest and sincere. If I catch someone in “error” and the first thing I do is “slap them in the face” that will not be conducive to their listening to what I have to say. Let us approach people in the best way we can to correct them if they are in error. Please note that I am not calling for comprise. Never! But, may we seek ways to effectively change minds. God’s word must be used, but our tone can have a major impact on such things.

Read the article in its entirety. Give someone a fair hearing. You may realize that you misconceived what had been written earlier if you read on. It may well be that something is stated later that sheds greater light on an earlier statement. Those writing should take great to be clear in their writing to avoid causing and/or adding to confusion.

When replying to statements, avoid “knee-jerk” reactions. Think through your response to them. Maybe investigate and give them a chance to explain. If they are teaching error, respond, but do so respectfully. Being respectful is not equated with compromise. We need to teach and defend the truth. But, let’s avoid having to “eat crow” because we jumped to a conclusion.

The internet is a great tool. Facebook and other forms of social media provide us a great opportunity to both teach and learn. Let us do so with diligence, honesty, integrity and concern for our brethren.



“I Plead for Mercy”


Once upon a time, Napoleon was approached by a son’s mother who asked him to pardon the son’s crime. Napoleon indicated the heinous nature of the crime that had been committed twice, indicating that justice demanded the death penalty. However, the mother indicated that she was not asking for justice, she was asking for mercy. At that point Napoleon granted mercy based on this mother’s request.

This story serves as an excellent illustration of the situation in which we all find ourselves. We have all sinned and fall short of the glory of God (Rom. 3:23).  Justice would indicate that we deserve to die because of that sin. Sin, death and separation would all be due us, as it would be our fault. 

Despite the situation in which man put(s) himself, God provides mercy. Mercy can be defined as the withholding of that which is due. In short, through His mercy, God does not give us what we deserve. How is this possible with a just God? Justice, as it relates to God, rewards the faithful and punishes the sinner. How can God do this and maintain the attributes that make Him God? The answer is two-fold. First, God loves us and that love motivated Him to act on our behalf. Then, He provided that which necessary to satisfy His wrath; He sent His Son to die in our place (Rom. 5:6-8). In the vicarious death of Christ, God’s wrath/justice is served and mercy is extended through that blood. 

We sing a great song, “Love Lifted Me.” When we were in sin, the love of God, manifested in His mercy, “lifted” us from the fate due our rejection of His will. May we reflect often on what has been done on our behalf that we may enjoy a heavenly reward.


Note: The illustration of Napoleon was borrowed from a sermon by Justin Imel)

Enemies to Growth


The church, throughout the New Testament, is described as the body of Christ. This is true in form as well as in function. Bodies are designed to live, act and work. It is natural for the body to function in such a way as to promote life tomorrow. We must see that the same is true for the Lord’s church. 

Our own bodies have enemies that threaten our well-being. These can be internal or external in nature. Internally, we are concerned with viruses and diseases that can harm the body. Cancer is a major enemy that has affected many. We can also be harmed externally, either by accidents or by those who intentionally wish to bring us harm.  

The church has similar enemies. There have been those down through the years who have attempted to eradicate the church. This has come in the form of governments, individuals and other religious groups. However, our greatest enemies, and often the most overlooked, are those internal enemies having the capability of destroying the body.  

One of the major ways to avoid defeat at the hands of an enemy is that of being aware of who or what our enemies are and the threat they pose. Ignorance, unbelief and apathy are just a few of the things of which any congregation must be aware as they contemplate the health and safety of the local body. A “blanket” enemy to be considered is sin. Satan does not want Christians, either individually or collectively, to be successful. He doesn’t want us to win. We must take great precautions to avoid the enemies that have been effective in ruining works and destroying congregations. We have been promised victory. We must simply seize that which has been provided, through God’s word, to secure that victory.